Using too much kitchen salt, this is the result

Without salt, food will taste bland. Conversely, putting too much salt in the food is also not good for health. Although salt is an important ingredient in making delicious food, it is necessary to use it wisely. In addition to adding flavor to food, salt also has benefits for the body. Kitchen salt consists of two elements, namely sodium (sodium) and chloride. Sodium is needed so that the body can function properly, maintain body fluid balance, help nerves and muscles work, and control blood pressure and volume. While chloride helps the body digest food.

If Salt builds up in the body

As mentioned earlier, the sodium contained in table salt is actually very important for nerve health. This is because sodium plays an important role in sending nerve impulses from the brain throughout the body, and vice versa. But it should be noted, these benefits can be obtained if you properly limit sodium intake. When consumed in excess, sodium can actually have a negative impact on health. When sodium intake is high, the kidneys will remove the excess through urine. However, if the kidneys are no longer able to get rid of the excess, sodium will accumulate in the blood, thereby attracting and retaining fluid in the bloodstream. As a result, blood volume will increase, making the heart have to work harder and increase pressure in the arteries. When this happens, the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease will be even greater. For this reason, limit your intake of salt so that it does not cause health problems. You are advised not to consume more than 6 grams of table salt or one teaspoon per day.

How to Reduce Salt Intake

Sodium that enters the body not only comes from table salt, but also from various foods and drinks that we consume. Some types of foods that are high in salt content are anchovy, cheese, sauce, processed meat, pickles, shrimp, marinated beans, smoked meat or fish, soy sauce, yeast extract, bread, chips, pizza, prepared foods, sausages, breakfast cereals and mayonnaise. It is important to limit your intake of kitchen salt or products that are high in salt. Reducing processed foods rich in sodium can balance mineral levels in the body. Of course, accompanied by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. You can limit your intake by:
  • When cooking at home, pay attention to how much salt you use.
  • When shopping, check the sodium levels listed on the packaging label. Buy food or drinks that contain low sodium levels.
  • Eat more fresh foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and fresh meat, because they contain natural sodium with low levels.
  • Use other seasonings, because salt is not the only choice. You can add flavor by adding lemon juice, lime juice, sauteed garlic, pepper or other spices.
  • Limit the use of soy sauce and sauce. If you want to cook with these ingredients, use only a little.
  • Reduce intake of snacks with a salty taste.
Kitchen salt has health benefits, if consumed in limited quantities. Do not let the excess consumption of table salt cause disease. If you have special health conditions, you should consult a doctor to find out how much salt consumption is allowed.


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